Tuesday, May 1, 2012

365 Days and Counting

Though spending less money is one of my goals for the Buy Nothing New for a Year Challenge, that was the furthest thing from my mind yesterday as I stocked up, prepared and enjoyed my last shopping !Hoorah! for the next 365 days.
I’ll break down yesterday’s shopping spree into two categories: Junk I really didn’t NEED (exactly the kind of things I hope to realize I don't need) and Essentials (a very loose interpretation of the word).
Junk I really didn’t need- A universal charge and store USB kit ($7), 2 Large sea grass baskets ($ 9 ea), Large cracker jar ($5), Rubber dish washing gloves ($3), Bare Minerals foundation ($25), Year’s supply of eye make-up ($15)- total: $73
                       One of the pictures I uploaded from the kids camera
While I understand I didn’t need any of this stuff I have already enjoyed much of it. With my USB kit I have been charging my phone from my computer and I uploaded pictures my kids took from their kiddie camera. I put the large cracker jar to use right away with the homemade laundry detergent I made and last but not least, THE RUBBER DISH WASHING GLOVES ARE AWESOME! Who would have known that all it would take are a pair of gloves to make a job I LOATHE into something much more enjoyable.
Essentials: 4 new pillows ($4 ea), 2 can black spray paint ($3.50 ea), Non-stick pan ($17), Paint brush set (3.50), 100 Ct clothespins ($2), Earring hooks ($2), Labels ($1), Computer paper ($3), Post-its ($2.50), Index cards ($1), Hair ties ($3), Twine ($1.50), Scotch tape ($2)- total: $60
          See, who wouldn't want to wash dishes in these gloves!
Okay my shopping problem is probably already evident to many of you. You’re right! Paint brushes, post-its, labels, hair ties and index cards can hardly be considered “essential.” Also there are things on my “essential” list, like the earring hooks, twine and spray paint that I bought in anticipation of running out of what I already have or because I think I will “need” them. The two things I actually really needed were the pillows (If the yuck smell comes back only 1 night after they are washed and hung out to dry, it’s clear that I need new ones!....right?), and the non-stick pan (when I am getting chunks of black stuff from the pan in my eggs it’s time for a new one- my Mom who is very against non-stick pans for this very reason is shaking her head at me right now!).
Now that I have brought home a car load of new stuff, I feel like I am ready to start this year-long challenge.  Maybe to off-set yesterdays binge I will take that bag that’s been sitting in my closet to the Salvation Army and figure out where to recycle my foul-smelling pillows and my dilapidated pan.

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