Sunday, April 29, 2012

May Day Resolution

Pray with the kids every day. Run three days a week. Stop drinking coffee. Create and stick to a new budget in an effort to save more money. Read and write more.  These were my New Year’s Resolutions this year. These are pretty typical resolutions; typical in intent and in execution.  I did not set out to rewrite legislation, or save enough to put a kid through college, or do anything to help people less fortunate in the world. As ordinary as my goals were I still was not able to follow through past the second week of January.

Thankfully I don’t need to wait until next January to try again to make positive changes in my life. Last week I came across a group of friends who have challenged themselves and will hold each other accountable during a yearlong buy nothing new challenge. I thought about the way we currently live and was immediately excited for this challenge because I don’t think I need to change much to “succeed” at buying nothing new for a year. My favorite stores already include the Salvation Army and Good Will. I am a sucker for yard sales and every antique shop owner in a 50 mile radius knows my kids and me by name.  I am also fortunate to have a very giving family who loves to spoil us and denies us almost nothing. This should be easy so I signed up. Beginning May 1st we will buy nothing new for a year in hopes of saving and giving more by having less stuff!

Once I signed up I started reading the blogs of the other women in this group. I quickly realized that for most of them, this challenge was much more than just buying nothing new. It was their reasons for accepting this challenge which made me look again at all I can achieve in a year of buying nothing new. There is so much more to learn than just how to shop for used things. I am extremely excited to embark on this journey with some very amazing and inspiring women. I have much to learn from each and every one of them. It seems that many wish to live more simply in an effort to lessen their environmental impact and have less clutter. More nobly however, most wish to focus less on worldly riches and more on the richness that God will provide for them. Admittedly, I hadn’t considered either of these reasons until I read the other blogs, but now I have many new reasons and goals for the buy nothing new challenge.


1.       Find happiness in God and family and in the process realize that happiness is not having the newest things or a house full of stuff.

a.       Daily devotional

b.      Daily prayer

c.       Daily picture to share with family that is far away

2.       Live more in the moment. Stop rushing around and really listen to people

3.       Be more aware of the money we take in and especially the money that we spend

a.       Monthly budget to know how much we are spending but also to see how much we will (hopefully) save thus year too

4.       Lessen our environmental impact

a.       Recycle more

b.      Buy used or make things

c.       Shop local

d.      Lower electric bill

e.      Use less gas


1.       Buy nothing that you can’t use. I can use food, toiletries, medicine. I cannot use up toys, clothes, books, decorations etc so I will buy them used.

2.       I will make/bake/barter/re-gift/or find vintage gifts.

3.       I will shop local for produce/eggs when possible to lessen environmental impact

4.       No more coke zero- to save money and consume less caffeine

5.       No more pizza out every Friday night- our baby steps compromise- make pizza at home every other week

6.       Trade for or buy used clothes, books, toys, gifts, craft supplies.


1.       If something that we use everyday breaks I can replace it (refrigerator, coffee maker, blender, printer)

2.       I can buy new fabric to make something only after searching first for used fabric

3.       If we move, I can buy new paint to freshen up the rooms

4.       Photographs

5.       Shoes- I already exceed the 300-500 mile rule so usually when I buy new shoes I really need them and don’t want to risk injury by not getting something new.

This is my first attempt at blogging so my goal for now is to blog a few times a week, include a bible verse, pictures for family members and all my ramblings documenting my journey at buying nothing new, strengthening my faith and deepening my personal relationships with my family and the people around me.

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

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