Monday, May 7, 2012

The Thought That Counts

So it’s been a week since I started the Buy Nothing New for a year challenge. Upon reflection, I realize now it probably would have been best to start this challenge on May 14. Then I could have bought birthday gifts for my Father-in-law and a dear friend’s daughter who is having her 1st birthday party this weekend. I could have also bought gifts for my Mom, Mother-in-law, Aunt and Tim’s 2 grandmothers. And while I’m playing “what if,” if I were wealthy and not doing this challenge I guess I would also like to give gifts to the 50 or so mom’s in my life who inspire me on a daily basis. Well since I am not wealthy (at least in terms of money) and I am in the midst of a buy nothing new for a year challenge I guess that means no gifts for anybody this year. SORRY!

Just kidding! I actually love giving gifts and I am the type of person (please tell me I’m not the only one) that has a box of stuff under my bed ready at a moment’s notice to give to people. This box is filled with everything from some of my favorite-everyone-must-own- gadgets, duplicates of things I already own,  used books, items I found at a great deals and things that have been discontinued. The idea behind the box is that come holiday time I have stuff to give to everyone on my list without ever leaving the house. The problem is that I collect for this box all year but when it’s actually time to dig into the box I go shopping at the store instead, leaving all those things in the box until the next holiday, be it Easter, Father’s Day, a birthday or even next Christmas. Well, one of the first blessings that the BNN challenge has bestowed upon me is that this Mother’s Day I will actually get to clear some of the things out of my under the bed box!

Here's my box, complete with gift bags and tissue paper for every holiday

And here’s what I found for Mother’s Day gifts

And while I was in there I also found this awesome gift, perfect for a first birthday- I swear I don’t EVER remember buying this! That’s terrible, but at least it saves me from trying to come up with something creative by the weekend.

And finally hiding in the bottom of my gift box were these earrings that I bought about a month ago.
I bought them for myself for 8 dollars at a local boutique- one of those places where once you walk in you feel like you have to buy something. So for 8 bucks I bought these fun earrings but once I tried them on I realized they aren’t me. Maybe they were me- in college- but they’re just too fun and shiny and long to go with my running shorts and spit-up stained tee’s. “At least they’ll make a good gift,” I thought as I tossed them into the overflowing box under my bed.  
When I looked at the earrings again today I realized exactly who I’d give them to. Now it may have been the earring hooks that I bought just last week, but now I could see that these earrings could actually make THREE gifts and I think I’ll get a pair for myself as well.  In their original state the earrings are a bit long, but once I realized that the “danglies” were hung on by small rings I knew I could take them apart and rework them to make 4 pairs of earrings. I used needle nose pliers to pull apart the small rings and fashion each leaf to its own earring hook.

I LOVE these earrings now. They are so much better, in my opinion, than the original version and it will be fun to have the same earrings as my mom and mother-in-law.

I had Shannon color some cardboard for me, then cut it into a few small squares and poked some holes in the squares with a pin to make some handmade holders for them as well.

I can’t wait to send off Mother’s Day gifts tomorrow and I am also ready for the birthday party this weekend but I still need a gift for my father-in-law. I’m all out of ideas for now so I’m going to have to keep thinking about that one.

Matthew 6:31-33
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

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