Thursday, May 31, 2012

No Bake Energy Nut Balls

Well I didn’t intend on posting another recipe today but these are just too good not to share. I make these often and they are the perfect grab and go snack. A friend recommended these about a year ago and since then we have perfected our favorite kind. I love that there are so many flavor combinations that can be used to make these and you can make them as healthy (or unhealthy) as you wish. By substituting ingredients you can also make a nut free version of these. Here is the recipe that I used.
This may look like a ton of ingredients, but there’s nothing in here that I had to run to the store to buy. I almost always already have everything I need on hand.

I am going to double the original site’s recipe which says you will yield about 2 dozen balls. I have never made just one batch but for a double batch I usually get somewhere between 30 and 36 balls. Around here they go quick and I wouldn’t know but I’d bet they’d keep in the fridge for a LONG time so no harm in doubling up from the start.

·         1 C nut butter (almond, peanut, sunflower seed, Nutella,  or soy nut butter)

·         1/3 C honey

·         1/3 C agave nectar (you can find this natural sweetener in the sugar section of most grocery stores,if you don’t have this you can just use 2/3 cup honey; you could also try brown rice syrup, maple syrup or corn syrup)

·         2 C old fashioned rolled oats (The minute version will also work and you can toast these at 350 for 10 minutes to bring out the flavor)

·         1 C shredded coconut (you can use sweetened or unsweetened)

·         1 C of dry, ground ingredients like wheat bran or germ, oat bran, ground flax seed (I don’t think a whole cup of ground flax seed would be the way to go, we usually go for about a ½ cup of flax seed and ½ cup of nuts) or ground nuts

·         2-4 tsp of vanilla (I use 4 generous tsps of vanilla and have used almond extract in a pinch)

·         Pinch of sea salt if the nut butter contains no salt

·         2-4 tsp of spices (we’ve used pumpkin spice, apple pie, nutmeg and ginger but cinnamon is our favorite)

·         1 C miscellaneous ingredients (here’s where you can really get creative using roughly chopped nuts or seeds, dried fruits (raisins, craisins and dates work well), white or dark chocolate chips, small candies like chopped candy bars or mini m+m’s or even sprinkles to make them into a birthday or holiday specific treat)

I just put all of the ingredients in one large bowl and stir with a silicon spatula or large spoon. It’s easiest to stir if the ingredients are at room temperature. Once everything is combined put your bowl in the fridge for 30-60 minutes.
Once refrigerated, compact then roll your "batter" into 1 inch balls. Because I use half honey and half agave nectar my “batter” is extra sticky so I usually make about 10 balls at a time and then refrigerate again. If you want a quicker solution try using less agave nectar or add oats, oat flour, or another dry ingredient. I have also sprayed my hands with non stick cooking spray and that worked okay too.
To make birthday or holiday balls you can either mix the sprinkles in with the batter or roll your finished product in them. Store them in an air tight container in the fridge or freezer.

These are great for any type of party or sporting event and they even make great gifts when paired with a pretty platter or container. Another idea: layer the dry ingredients into a mason jar with a pretty bow, add a gift tag and directions to add peanut butter, honey and vanilla and give as a hostess or teacher gift.

Psalm:32 1-2
32:1 Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
32:2 Happy are those to whom the LORD imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.

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