Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I've got the month of May


It’s been almost a month since we started this Buy Nothing New Challenge and I wanted to go back to my goals and update everyone once again.
While I have been reading a daily devotional and saying daily prayers with kids, I am still just as confused as ever with many things pertaining to faith, religion, the Bible and what God and Jesus’ intentions for us are. I am still reading Radical by David Platt which is probably why I am so confused.  Coupled with my own bewilderment concerning faith and the Bible, Platt encourages the reader through thought-provoking questions to re-evaluate the ways in which we (American Christians) are worshipping Christ and living the gospel.

My second goal was to stop rushing around so that I had time to really listen to people. Unfortunately with the end of the school year, several trips to the doctors and dentist, trying to attend more workouts and a new puppy I haven’t exactly slowed down any. Somehow though, with all that running around I did manage to use less gas which means I can only attribute that to not driving to Jacksonville for things that I “need.”
In an effort to save money, we thought I could learn to
cut hair. I have been practicing on Patrick. I still have a
lot of learning to do when it comes to blending.

Another goal that I failed to make much headway with this month was our monthly budget. I do believe we spent less and I saved all of our receipts but I didn’t create or stick to a budget. I either have 3 days to get busy or I can wait to tackle this goal in June.

And I didn't do so great on Shannon's bangs either. She
looks so different to us- 2 1/2 and she got her
first haircut. Tim says it accentuates her mullet.
My final goal was to lessen our environmental impact. Besides for using less gas, we shopped for local produce and eggs, recycled A LOT more and bought almost everything we needed used. We got “new-to-us” dish towels, doggie leash and collar, and book.  We also were able to give Mother’s Day and Birthday presents from what we already had. Unfortunately, we also deviated from the challenge a little when we bought a new shovel (to replace the one we broke during clothesline attempt #1) and 2 new 4x4’s for our clothesline project. Both of these purchases are technically within my guidelines because the shovel is to replace one that broke and the 4x4’s are to make something but I know we could have done better. We could easily borrow a shovel (although maybe not anymore now that everyone knows we broke our first one) and there is a pile of 4x4’s at an old abandoned building down the road that I bet we could have if we called about them.

A couple more areas we could still work on are eating pizza out less and lowering our electric bill. We will also be able to lower our water usage once we get our dishwasher fixed. We also really need to give more.  I feel okay about the amount of money and time we have given to the church and charities this month but I know we can do better. Right before Christmas I had read about a lady who cleaned out and gave away 40 bags in 40 days. The gist is to pick a different area of your home each day for 40 days and clean that area out and collect a bag’s worth of stuff to donate. I think I will try a 30 bags in 30 days project for the month of June. Why not 40? Well because when I tried this before I realized I don’t have 40 “places” in my home to de-clutter.

And yup if you missed the 2 not so subtle hints in this post, we “have” a puppy. He was wondering in our neighborhood last week very sick and skinny. After trying to take him to Animal Control to get him some medicine and find him a home last week we will try again today. He is great with the kids and probably the world’s most well behaved puppy and we would love to keep him, we’re just not sure if we can handle taking care of another living being right now. My emotional and practical sides have been in constant conflict since he came to us last Wednesday. I hope things become clear before Animal Control opens today at noon.

And finally, I want to share the areas I will remain focused on as this challenge continues.
Faith-Read Bible, say prayers, give more to the poor, learn more to teach more
Family- Keep up with pictures, cards and spending time not money on family
Friends-Slow down, listen, spend more time, keep in better touch with friends
Finances- Budget, give,save, invest
Fun- Sometimes it’s hard to remember but there are many low stress, inexpensive ways to have fun

Mark 12:41-44
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”


  1. How did your first Sunday School class go? I'm sure you did great.

    1. It went really well! Patrick told me several times I was a great teacher :) Maybe that's because he and Callie spent at least 20 minutes doing some sort of crazy dance to "He's got the whole world in his hands." It was too funny and cute to stop them. Shannon even sat still and listened for about half of the time- pretty impressive for her! I still can't believe Mrs. Dot was the teacher for 55 years. She would have been your Sunday School teacher!
