Thursday, May 3, 2012

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Not only has the Buy Nothing New Challenge gotten me to think about the way our family lives but it has already brought me into contact with some of the most resourceful, intelligent women out there who seem to know all the tricks of the trade. To help each other with our challenge a group has been formed on Facebook where we can turn to for guidance, tips, support, love and encouragement. Just in the week I have been a part of this group so many wonderful ideas have already been passed around. Did you know you can take the mesh bag oranges come in from the grocery store, ball it up and use it as a pan scrubber?!?!  I can’t wait to try that (thank you Jennifer)!
One of the other suggestions was to make your own powdered laundry detergent. Everyone swore it was cheaper, worked just as well as the store bought stuff, and was easy to make. Here’s all you need:

Washing Soda
Fels Naptha Soap
Micro plane or Food processor

First grate the Fels Naptha Soap using your micro plane. Now mix 1 cup Borax, 1 cup Washing Soda and 2 cups grated soap. Then stir for 3-5 minutes and put in your container! I made 4 batches and put them in my large cracker jar that I got the other day during my pre-challenge shopping spree. For each load of laundry you do you will only need 1 tablespoon of the detergent, which is why this recipe is so economical. For my tablespoon scoop I am using a scoop that came from a small powdered Gatorade container.

Two very helpful hints: Online people suggested if you didn’t have a micro plane or food processor that a cheese grate would work fine. I did not have a micro plane so I used the cheese grater. After nearly 40 minutes of vigorously grating my Fels Naptha soap my muscles were quivering, I had broken into a sweat and I had yielded only about 1 cup of shavings. I called my friend Liz to the rescue and she brought over her micro plane. Voila! 10 more minutes and I now had the remaining 7 cups. My second tip is to refrain from putting your nose in the jar and taking a big sniff. Okay, that should be common sense as this is powdered cleaners we’re working with, but I was curious and I wanted to know what it all smelled like once mixed together.

And finally, here’s the breakdown of the potential savings. If one 64 load jug of detergent costs $12 and lasts one month, four would cost $48 and last four months. As for the powdered, homemade version the borax was $3.30, the washing soda $3.24 and Fels Naptha $.97 each. So, I spent $10.42 and I have the 4 batches I already made and enough ingredients for 4 more batches, so that’s EIGHT MONTHS of laundry detergent for less that 1 jug of that old stuff! Plus that’s 8 large, plastic jugs that I won’t be buying and throwing away! Amazing! Now I just have to hope that it will work as well on all those food-stained shirts and poopy pants that I end up washing. I will let you know….

May 1
May 2
Patrick and Shannon with the plants Patrick planted from school

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6


  1. This is the same recipe that I use.. But I also throw on some clorox for colors or Oxy clean just for good measure.. Plus I already had those on hand so I figures why not.. It really does work very well. I was incredibly skeptical.. The only thing missing was the scents, no Apple Mango Tango.. But I guess If you really really wanted scent you could find something.. Me I didn't care. I liked fresh.. Hope this works as well for you!!

  2. I still can't wait to use it- I have about 2 loads of Tide left. I am so excited for all that this challenge and the year has in store for us. Thanks for all your support- I can't wait to get our clothesline up too- I bet I'll be just as happy with the smell of the fresh air as Apple Mango Tango :)

  3. I still want to see a comparison of your homemade detergent and Tide!
