Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fourth of July Fun

I started this blog with the intent of posting every other day.  As it seems most blogs do, mine started off strong but as the weeks passed my posts have become more and more infrequent, but alas today is a new day and here is my second post in as many days. You think I can manage 3 in a row?

When I started the blog I also intended to share all the gifts that I give throughout the year to show that really not a lot of money is required to give a great and thoughtful gift. What I didn’t mean to happen is that I just don’t give gifts at all, like what has happened with my father in law. I’ve missed his Birthday and Father’s Day and still don’t have any great ideas for him. Thankfully my husband and I don’t really “do” anniversary’s or mother’s and father’s day or that would be 2 more gifts I’d be in the hole.  
ALL BOY!!! This is the birthday boy

Luckily when I was in a thrift store a few weeks back, I stumbled upon a great gift for our neighbor’s little boy’s 1st Birthday party. Now this may not seem like the best gift for a 1 year old, but for this family and for this little boy who is more like 1 going on 3 a remote control JEEP seemed just fine. Seriously, yesterday he was driving a giant Power Wheel’s, pushing the pedal and everything- not your typical 1 year old! So for several dollars I got this great gift, still in a box.
I forgot to take a picture of the JEEP before hand, but
here's a picture of the older kids "helping" Oliver
open his present- he doesn't seem to mind!

 You don’t always find stuff still in the packaging but some thrift stores seem to have more of that stuff than others. The other day I found a flea market in Jacksonville with hundreds of Hot Wheels cars and Star Wars figures still in boxes. I think we may be headed back to pick up Christmas and birthday gifts for all the little boys we know.

And for the fun part, we made our own wrapping paper using brown paper bags and some paint. Since our little buddy was born on the fourth of July, we decided to make some red, white and blue fireworks. We diluted some acrylic paint (craft paint would work great too) with water, then dropped a bit at a time in different areas.

Then we took a straw and blew the paint outward from the center to get fireworks (this would look so pretty on black paper using bright colors).

I tried to get the kids to do the same. They thought it was neat the first time, but then decided they would just rather use the brush or finger paint, and that was fine too!

This was the best way to spend the fourth!!!

Hehe, I love the last 3 pics!


Psalm 63:3-8
3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. 4 So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name. 5 My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips 6 when I think of you on my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; 7 for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I sing for joy. 8 My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

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