Friday, July 6, 2012

Chicken Roll Ups

This is one of my favorite dinners and the kids seem to really enjoy it too, so here is it:

Pack of boneless, skinless chicken tenders (about 1 lb)

Bunch of asparagus

1 lb of bacon


Salt and pepper


Lemon (optional)

Heat oven to 400. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Place 2 pieces of bacon on a surface and lay a chicken tender on top of bacon, in the same direction. Lay 4-5 stalks of asparagus perpendicular to the bacon and chicken and roll the bacon and chicken around the asparagus. Skewer with a toothpick to hold everything in place.

Repeat until all of the chicken has been used. Lay the roll ups on an oiled pan and place in the oven until the chicken is cooked all the way through. If you wish, squeeze fresh lemon juice over all of the roll ups after you pull them out of the oven.

These guys go great with any vegetable, we love them with sautéed summer squash, but something like mashed potatoes would be great too!

When I stayed with a friend a few years back she made a version with prosciutto and cheese that was absolutely amazing and involved pan frying instead of baking. I made this version one night when I had neither prosciutto nor cheese and just used what we did have and it turned out really well.  It’s a great choice for when you have guests too because it looks fancy and like you spent a long time on it, but you really didn’t.

 Below are a few pictures from our trip to Chapel Hill yesterday! It was a fun day and we received great news! If you're ever in that area try the Nantucket Cafe and Grill, awesome food, okay prices and it was very kid friendly!
Rose Garden at playground in Chapel Hill

James 1:2-4
1:2 My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy,
1:3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance;
1:4 and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.

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