Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Just wanted to post some pictures of all the Halloween fun we have partaken in the last week or so. Of course being a kid is fun, because you get to celebrate holidays with your gymnastics class, your soccer team, your schoolmates, your neighborhood friends and sometimes even your mom’s friends!

In September Patrick decided he wanted to be a knight for Halloween. And he must have heard that we aren’t buying anything new, because he asked me to make him a knight helmet out of cardboard. So, of course, I obliged, and here is the end result, the scariest knight helmet I’ve ever seen.

And I’m sure as many other parents could guess, exactly 2 days after I finished my masterpiece, Patrick changed his mind. He wanted to be Batman instead. I’m thinking it is no coincidence that he changed his mind AFTER he saw the knight helmet I made. So instead of attempt to make a batman costume- it crossed my mind and would have been so easy, I asked around and finally found someone who had a size 5 Batman costume for us to borrow. That is one of the many benefits of being in a running club with 700 plus mom’s, if you need something, someone there has it.

And just for fun, Patrick decided to wear his Pirate costume to gymnastics!
Because Patrick was originally supposed to be a knight we thought it would be cute for Shannon to be a dragon and since she already had a pair of dragon slippers she loves to wear we didn’t have to do much convincing. Fortunately I was able to snag 1 on ebay for less than $5, including shipping. Luckily when Shannon changed her mind, she wanted to be a butterfly and I was able to find some really cheap wings for her. Elmo was also in the running for a few days and made a brief appearance as well. But I was really partial to the dragon costume so I was very happy when she changed her mind again and still wanted to be a dragon.

And I really had no idea for Laura, but after scanning her closet and asking a friend I figured she could either be a cowgirl or a bumblebee. When it came time to actually dressing the kids up, I could never decide what I liked Laura in best so for the party at our house and trick or treating she was a bumblebee and for Stroller Warriors and gymnastics (no she’s not taking gymnastics, but it wouldn’t have been fair if she was the only one not dressed up) she was a cowgirl.

Here are some pictures from our party at the house. Mrs. Jing and her friend made and AWESOME pinata!

Mrs. Paula is so creative!

She made these witch hats too!



There are lots of pics, ENJOY!


Trick or Treating with Kenz and Mrs.Steph
Our little cowgirl!

Patrick got to dress up for Fall on the Farm day at school also!

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